
Cantonese Songs with Transcript – 跌嘢唔好搵 by MC $oHo & KidNey
Cantonese Songs with Transcript 廣東歌逐字稿
跌嘢唔好搵 dit3 zo2 je5 si3 haa3 m4 hou2 wan2
Song Type 類型 : Spoken Cantonese 全粵語
Degree of Difficulty 難度 : ★★★(5★)
Study Guide 學習指引
1st Line: Chinese Character 中文字
2nd Line: English meaning 英文意思翻譯
3rd Line: Jyutping 粵拼
4th Line: Word by word translation 逐字翻釋
In quotation: Vocabulary highlights 可以學嘅生字
dit3 zo2 je5 si3 haa3 m4 hou2 wan2
Not searching for it when you drop something
歌詞 go1 ci4 Lyrics
(when you) drop something try not searching for it
dit3 zo2 je5 si3 haa3 m4 hou2 wan2
跌咗嘢 dit3 zo2 je5 = drop something
試吓 si3 haa3 = try to
唔好 m4 hou2 = don’t
搵 wan2 = (verb) to look for it
(when you) drop something try not to get cranky
dit3 zo2 je5 si3 haa3 m4 hou2 mang2
炆 mang2 = (adj.) cranky
K:跌咗嘢 試吓唔好急
(when you) drop something try not to get flustered
dit3 zo2 je5 si3 haa3 m4 hou2 gap1
急 gap1 = to feel flustered
dit3 zo2 je5 si3 haa3 m4 hou2 zap1
(when you) drop something try not picking it up
執 zap1 = to pick it up
$:跌咗嘢 試吓唔好揾
dit3 zo2 je5 si3 haa3 m4 hou2 wan2
(when you) drop something try not searching for it
$:跌咗嘢 試吓唔好忟
dit3 zo2 je5 si3 haa3 m4 hou2 mang2
(when you) drop something try not to get cranky
K:係咁揾 搞到個人好忟憎
hai6 gam3 wan2 gaau2 dou3 go3 jan4 hou2 mang2 zang2
searching like that is just going to put you in a bad mood
係咁搵 hai6 gam3 wan2 = Keep searching for it
— Grammar: 係咁 hai6 gam3 + verb = Keep + doing sth.
— E.g. 係咁食嘢 hai6 gam3 sik6 je5 = Keep eating
搞到個人 gaau2 dou3 go3 jan4 = it makes you
好忟憎 hou2 mang2 zang2 = bad mood;crancky
K:唔好揾 不妨試吓等一等
m4 hou2 wan2 bat1 fong4 si3 haak3 dang2 jat1 dang2
don’t go searching (for it) why not try waiting for a bit?
不妨 but1 fong4 = How about?
等一等 dang2 jat1 dang2 = wait a minute; wait for it
$:跌咗嘢落地 唔好咁心急
dit3 zo2 je5 lok6 dei6 m4 hou2 gam3 sam1 gap1
(when you) drop something on the floor try not to get impatient
心急 sam1 gap1 = impatient
咁 gam3 = that;so
— Grammar: 咁 gam3 + adj. = that adj.
— E.g. 咁煩 gam3 faan6 = so annoying
$:跌咗嘢落地 唔好咁固執
dit3 zo2 je5 lok6 dei6 m4 hou2 gam3 gu3 zap1
(when you) drop something on the floor don’t be so stubborn
固執 gu3 zap1 = (adj.) stubborn
K:你愈急 佢愈會繼續消失
lei5 jyu6 gap1 keoi5 jyu6 wui2 gai3 zuk6 siu1 sat1
The more impatient you get the more that thing you’ve lost will continue to get away from you
愈 jyu6 ~ 愈 jyu6 = the more… the more
— E.g. 愈急愈煩 jyu6 gap1 jut6 faan6 = the more impatient you are the more annoyed you feel
繼續 gai3 zuk6 = carry on; to continue
消失 siu1 sat1 = to disappear
K:唔好急坐低 做個深呼吸
m4 hou2 gap1 co5 dai1 zou6 go3 sam1 fu1 kap1
Don’t be in a rush, sit down, take a deep breath
坐低 co5 dai1 = sit down
做個深呼吸 zou6 go3 sam1 fu1 kap1 = take a deep breath
K:跌咗嘢 就係咁那出奇
dit3 zo2 je5 zau6 hai6 gam3 naa2 ceot1 kei4
dropping stuff is just so freaking strange
咁那 gam3 naa2 = so freakingly
出奇 ceot1 kei4 = strange; unusual
$:唔揾佢 就會走返出嚟
m4 wan2 keoi5 zau6 wui2 zau2 faan1 ceot1 lai4
if you don’t look for it, it just turns up
走返出嚟 zau2 faan1 ceot1 lai4 = come up ; turns up
K:做人實在唔使 太心急
zou6 jan4 sat6 zoi6 m4 sai2 taai3 sam1 gap1
When conducting yourself there’s really no need to be impatient
做人 zou6 jan4 = to be a human
實在 sat3 zoi6 = actually;really + 太 taai3 = too
— E.g. 實在係太靚啦 sat3 zoi6 hai6 taai3 leng3 laa3 = It’s just really really pretty!
唔使 m4 sai2 = no need to be
$:跌咗嘢落地 不如試吓唔好執
dit3 zo2 je5 lok6 dei6 bat1 jyu4 si3 haak3 m4 hou2 zap1
when you drop something on the ground why not try not picking it up?
K:跌吓跌吓 啲嘢唔見晒
dit3 haak3 dit3 haak3 di1 je5 m4 gin3 saai3
dropping this and that and it’s all gone missing
唔見晒 m4 gin3 saai3 = all missing
K:唔通呢度個地下 有結界?
m4 tung1 ne1 dou6 go3 dei6 haa6 jau5 git3 gaai3
Could it be that on the ground where there is a an alternate universe?
唔通 m4 tung1 = could it be?
結界 git3 gaai3 = an alternate space;universe
K:定係我玩緊 俄羅斯方塊?
ding6 hai6 ngo5 waan2 gan2 ngo4 lo4 si1 fong1 faai3
Or is that I’m playing a game of Tetris?
定係 deng3 hai6 = or
玩緊 waan2 gan2 = playing
俄羅斯方塊 ngo4 lo4 si1 fong1 faai3 = (literally: Russian cube) Tetris
K:搵到我好忟 忟到想大嗌
wan2 dou3 ngo5 hou2 mang2 mang2 dou3 soeng2 daai6 aai3
I’ve searched till I’m cranky and I’m cranky to the point of wanting to scream
大嗌 daai6 ngaai3 = screaming
$:冇嘢可以逃避 地心吸力
mou5 je5 ho2 ji5 tou4 bei6 dei6 sam1 kap1 lik6
Nothing can escape the Earth’s gravity
冇嘢 mou5 je5 = nothing
可以 ho2 ji5 = can
逃避 tou4 bei6 = escape; avoid
地心吸力dei6 sam1 kap1 lik6 = Earth’s gravity
$:除非你識街霸招 直直bird極
ceoi4 fei1 nei5 sik1 gaai1 baa3 ziu1 zik6 zik6 bird gik6
Unless you know the move from street fighter (80’s Arcade game) zik zik bird gik (onomatopoeia)
除非 ceoi4 fei1 = unless
識 sik1 = to know how to
街霸 gaai1 baa3 = Street Fighter
招 ziu1 = forms(Martial Art)
$:比起百慕達 啲 飛機
bei2 hei2 baak3 mou6 daat6 di1 fei1 gei1
compared to the planes (fallen in the) Bermuda (triangle)
比起 bei2 hei2 = compared to
百慕達 baak3 mou6 daat6 = Bermuda triangle
啲 di1 = these/those
飛機 fei1 gei1 = planes
$:跌咗少少嘢 只係好兒戲
dit3 zo2 siu2 siu2 je5 zi2 hai6 hou2 ji4 hei1
dropping a little bit of stuff is just child’s play
只係 zi2 hai6 = it’s just; it’s only
好兒戲 hou2 ji4 hei1 = like a child’s play
O to shi ta mo no o sa ga sa na i de 落としたものを探さないで(跌嘢唔好搵)
O to shi te mo o ko ra na I de 落としても怒らないで(跌嘢唔好炆)
O to shi ta mo no o hi ro wa na i de 落としても急がないで(跌嘢唔好急)
O to shi te mo i so ga na i de 落としたものを拾わないで(跌嘢唔好執)
$:有冇聽過 物理學嘅雙縫實驗?
jau5 mou5 ting3 gwo3 mat6 lei5 hok6 ge3 soeng1 fung4 sat6 jim6
Have you ever heard of the double-slit experiment in Physics?
有冇聽過 jau5 mou5 ting3 gwo3 = Have you ever heard of
物理學 mat6 lei5 hok6 = Physics
雙縫實驗 soeng1 fung4 sat6 jim6 = the double-slit experiment
$:實情係 愛因斯坦都搞佢唔掂
sat6 cing4 hai6 ngoi3 jan1 si1 taan2 dou1 gaau2 keoi5 m4 dim6
The truth is Einstein can’t even figure it out
實情係 sat6 cing4 hai6 = The truth is; the fact that
愛因斯坦 ngoi3 jan1 si1 taan2 = Einstein (the scientist)
都搞佢唔掂 dou1 gaau2 keoi5 m4 dim6 = can’t deal with it;can’t figure it out
sau2 go1 lam2 m4 dou3 dim2 tin4
I can’t think of how to fill out the lyrics to this song
首歌 sau2 go1 = the song
諗 lam2 = to think; to come up with
點填 dim2 tin4 = how to fill out the lyrics
jiu3 se2 maai4 loeng6 zi2 gau2 cin4
Do I need to write about quantum entanglement too?
寫埋 se2 maai4 = also writing
量子糾纏 loeng6 zi2 gau2 cin4 = quantum entanglement
$:簡單啲講 其實呢個實驗
gaan2 daan1 di1 gong2 kei4 sat6 ne1 go3 sat6 jim6
To say it simply this experiment actually….
簡單啲講 gaan2 daan1 di1 gong2 = To say it simply
其實 kei4 sat6 = actually
實驗 sat6 jim6 = experiment
$:証實咗 原來你有冇擰轉塊面
zing3 sat6 zo2 jyun4 loi4 nei5 jau5 mou5 ling2 zyun2 faai3 min6
proved that whether you turned your face or not
証實咗 zing3 sat6 zo2 = proved that
擰轉 leng3 zyun3 = to turn
塊面 faai3 min6 = Measure word + face
$:實驗結果 真係會唔同咁呈現
sat6 jim6 git3 gwo2 zan1 hai6 wui2 m4 tung4 gam3 cing4 jin6
the result of the experiment will present with a different outcome
實驗結果 sat6 jim6 git3 gwo2 = the result of the experiment
呈現 cing4 jin6 = to present
合:跌嘢唔好揾 跌嘢唔好忟 跌嘢唔好急 跌嘢唔好執
dit3 je5 m4 hou2 wan2 dit3 je5 m4 hou2 mang2 dit3 je5 m4 hou2 gap1 dit3 je5 m4 hou2 zap1
(when you) drop something don’t search for it, -don’t get cranky, -don’t get impatient, don’t go picking it up
$:想永遠唔跌嘢 邊有咁好彩
soeng2 wing5 jyun5 m4 dit3 je5 bin1 jau5 gam3 hou2 coi2
if you never want to drop stuff, well who’s ever going to be that lucky
永遠 wing3 jyun5 = forever
邊有 bin1 jau5 = rhetorical questions: how can it be?
咁好彩 gam3 hou2 coi2 = that lucky
$:不如將 自己嘅 心情改一改
bat1 jyu4 zoeng3 zi6 gei2 ge3 sam1 cing4 goi2 jat1 goi2
why not just adjust your state of mind a bit
不如 but1 jyu4 = why not, how about
心情 sam1 cing4 = state of mind;mood
改一改 goi2 jat1 goi2 = to adjust; to modify; to change
$:配件 零件 定現錢
pui3 gin2 ling4 gin2 ding6 jin6 cin2
is it accessories, components, or cash?
配件 pui3 gin2 = accessories
零件 ling4 gin2 = components
現錢 jin6 cin2 = cash
K:目標 理想 定Your Dream
muk6 biu1 lei5 soeng2 ding6 Your Dream
is it a goal, an ideal or your dream?
目標 muk6 biu1 = goal
理想 lei5 soeng2 = ideal
$:搏命去搵 只會停喺起點
bok3 meng6 heoi3 wan2 zi2 wui2 ting4 hai2 hei2 dim2
striving with all you might to search, will only keep you stuck at the start
搏命 bok3 meng6 = striving with all the energy
停喺起點 ting4 hai2 hei2 dim2 = stop at the start
K:食緊薯片 就唔好問幾點
sik6 gan2 syu4 pin2 zau6 m4 hou2 man6 gei2 dim2
when I’m eating chips never ask me what the time is
Ref: Calbee Potato Chips Advertisement 1996
薯片 syu4 pin2 = potato chips
問幾點 man6 gei2 dim2 = ask what the time is
$:或者等多 三五七年
waak6 ze2 dang2 do1 saam1 ng5 cat1 nin4
maybe wait 3, 5, 7 years
或者 waak6 ze2 = or
三五七年 saam1 ng5 cat1 nin4 = a long period of time
K:失驚無神 佢又會自己出現
sat1 ging1 mou4 san4 keoi5 jau6 wui2 zi6 gei2 ceot1 jin6
and out of the blue it will appear itself
失驚無神 sat1 ging1 mou4 san4 = out of the blue; all of the sudden
出現 ceot1 jin6 = appear; reveal
$:呢首歌 其實冇乜意思
le1 sau2 go1 kei4 sat6 mou5 mat1 ji3 si1
this song actually hasn’t got much meaning
冇乜意思 mou5 mat1 ji3 si1 = not much meaning
seon4 seoi6 soeng2 nei5 ting3 jyun4 ho2 ji5 fong3 sung1 di1
We just hope that once you’ve listened to it you can relax a bit
純粹 seon4 seoi6 = purely;just
聽完 ting1 jun4 = listen (finished)
放鬆啲 fong3 sung1 di1 = relax a bit
(mou5 mat1 ji3 si1 lyun6 coeng3 )( fong3 sung1 lyun6 coeng3 )
(There’s not much meaning, random singing) (relax, randomly sing )
佢哋都有YouTube Channal

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