cantonese songs boba tea by serrini

Cantonese Songs with Transcript – Sophia’s Bubble Tea 蘇菲亞的波霸珍珠奶茶 by Serrini

Cantonese Songs with Transcript 廣東歌逐字稿

Song Type 類型 : Spoken Cantonese 全粵語

Degree of Difficulty 難度 : ★ (5★)

Pris’s Comment 諗咩:



The first time I heard this Boba song

I thought to myself this should be one of the easiest songs for Cantonese learners to start with.

You can listen to Serrini’s singing while enjoying your Boba tea

(or just tea coz the Boba and milk were both sold out LOL)

Study Guide 學習指引

The bubble tea song is written in pure Spoken Cantonese so you can learn everything basically.

1st Line: Chinese Character 中文字

2nd Line: English meaning 英文意思翻譯

3rd Line: Jyutping 粵拼

In quotation: Vocabulary highlights 可以學嘅生字


sou1 fei1 aa3 dik1 bo1 baa3 zan1 zyu1 naai5 caa4

Sophia’s Bubble Tea

Written by Serrini / Guitar by Serruria (I’m terribly sorry)

歌詞 go1 ci4 Lyrics

有一日 我想飲波霸珍珠 奶茶

One day, I felt like drinking a pearl boba milk tea (made using tapioca balls).

jau5 jat1 jat6 ngo5 soeng2 jam2 bo1 baa3 zan1 zyu1 laai5 caa4

有一日 jau5 jat1 jat6 = One day

珍珠 zan1 zyu1 = pearl

珍珠奶茶 zan1 zyu1 laai5 caa4 = bubble tea (because the resemblance of tapioca balls and pearl)

點知個哥哥話: “小姐冇珍珠啊”

Who would have thought the cashier-bro would say ” Miss, we don’t have any ‘pearls'” (the tapioca balls).

dim2 zi1 go3 go4 go1 waa6 : ” siu2 ze2 mou5 zan1 zyu1 aa1 ”  

點知 dim2 zi1 = who would have thought

哥哥 go4 go1 = older brother (in this case she’s calling the cashier guy)

小姐 siu2 ze2 = Miss


In that moment I was thinking: Are you kidding me? but it is only just the “pearls”! (that are missing)

go2 jat1 hak1 ngo5 sam1 lam2 :ce1~ bat1 gwo3 mou5 zan1 zyu1 zaa1 maa3

嗰一刻 go2 jat1 hak1

我心諗 ngo5 sam1 lam2 = I was thinking to myself

唓 ce2 = an exclamation meaning: not a big deal

咋嘛 zaa1 maa3 = ending particles indicating: it’s only, not a big deal


I am okay if you give me the Boba.

gam2 lei5 zeng6 hai6 bei2 bo1 baa3 ngo5 dou1 mou5 so2 wai6 aa1  

噉 gam2 = in that cases; well then

凈係 zeng6 hai6 = only

冇所謂 mou5 so2 wai6 = I don’t mind


The cashier-bro all of the sudden looked shocked and got all odd (weird) for a bit.

go3 go4 go1 dat6 jin4 zi1 gaan1 haak3 can1 odd1 zo2 jat1 haa6

突然之間 dat6 jin4 zi1 gaan1 haak3 = all of the sudden

嚇親 haak3 can1 = shocked


He said: Miss, I really don’t know what I can get for you.

keoi5 waa6 siu2 ze2 ngo5 zan1 hai6 m4 zi1 bei2 lei5 mat1 je5 hou2 lak3

佢話 keoi5 waa6 = he said

真係唔知 zan1 hai6 m4 zi1 = really don’t know

bei2 = to give (somebody something)

嗰一刻我心諗: 吓! 你冇嘢呀嘛

In that moment I was thinking to myself: There‘s nothing wrong with you is there?

go2 jat1 hak1 ngo5 sam1 lam2 haa6 lei5 mou5 je5 aa3 maa3

嗰一刻 go2 jat1 hak1 = at that moment

我心諗 ngo5 sam1 lam2 = I was thinking to myself

你冇嘢呀嘛 nei5 mou4 je5 aa3 maa3 = what’s wrong with you?


With no “pearls” and no “Boba”, how are you running a business?

(tapioca pearls and boba are two names for the same thing “tapioca balls”.)

jau6 mou5 zan1 zyu1 jau6 mou5 bo1 baa3 lei5 dim2 zou6 saang1 ji3 gaa3

又冇…又冇 jau6 mou5 …jau6 mou5 = without this and with that

做生意 zou6 saang1 ji3 = to run a business


I only want ball ball ball ball ball baa (Boba).

ngo5 jiu3 bo1 bo1 bo1 bo1 bo1 bo1 bo1 bo1 bo1 bo1 bo1 baa3


I only want ball ball ball ball ball baa (Boba).

zau6 syun3 lei5 mou5 lei5 mou5 lei5 mou5 lei5 mou5 zan1 zyu1 laai5 caa4

就算 zau6 syun3 = even if


My friends usually call me naive and cute Sophia

pang4 jau5 ping4 si4 dou1 giu3 ngo5 tin1 zan1 ho2 ngoi3 sou1 fei1 aa3

朋友 pang4 jau5 = friends

平時 ping4 si4 = usually

天真可愛 tin1 zan1 ho2 ngoi3 = naive and cute


Are you looking at me as the type of girl who is perfect to be bullied around?

lei5 mai6 gin3 ngo5 go3 fun2 hou2 hap1 zau6 soeng2 hap1 ngo5 laa1 !

個款 go3 fun2 = the type;the style

好恰 hou2 hap1 = someone that can be picked on;to be easily taken advantage of

恰 hap1 = to bully


I only want ball ball ball ball ball baa (Boba).

ngo5 zing6 hai6 soeng2 jiu3 bo1 bo1 bo1 bo1 bo1 bo1 bo1 baa3 !  


Even if you don’t have the tapioca pearl milk tea.

zau6 syun3 lei5 mou5 lei5 mou5 lei5 mou5 lei5 mou5 mou4 zan1 zyu1 naai5 caa4


Why do you have to look on me like I’m some idiot?

dim2 gaai2 lei5 jiu3 dong3 ngo5 hai6 so4 zai2 gam2 mong6 zyu6 ngo5 gaa3

點解 dim2 gaai2 = why

當我係 dong3 ngo5 hai6 = to look on

傻仔 so4 zai2 = idiot


Of course with nothing to drink now my mood isn’t great.

mou5 dak1 jam2 je5 ngo5 ji4 gaa1 gang2 hai6 sam1 cing4 m4 hou2 laa1

而家 ji4 gaa1 = now

梗係 gang2 hai6 = of course

心情 sam1 cing4 = mood

但係我個friend望住我 (佢嘅眼神同緊我講)

But my friend was staring at me (Her gaze was telling me….)

daan6 hai6 ngo5 go3 friend1 mong6 zyu6 ngo5 ( keoi5 ge3 ngaan5 san4 tung4 gan2 ngo5 gong2 )

但係 daan6 hai6 = but

望住我 mong6 zyu6 ngo5 = staring at me

眼神 ngaan5 san4 = gaze

你 係咪懵咗

Are you out of your mind?

lei5 hai6 mai6 mung2 zo2

係咪 hai6 mai6 = are you? (short form of 係唔係 hai6 m4 hai6)

懵咗 mung2 zo2 = out of your mind


She then posted it on her Facebook wall

zung6 lai2 sau2 daa2 maai4 soeng5 Facebook go3 Wall  

嚟手 lai2 sau2 = causally; nonchalantly


And even tagged me in it.

zung6 jiu3 tag1 faan1 ngo5

我蘇菲亞 終於知錯 (但係我嘅勇氣同面皮)

I, Sophia, finally realized my mistake (but my courage and my thick skin (inability to feel shame))

ngo5 sou1 fei1 aa3 zung1 jyu1 zi1 co3 ( daan6 hai6 ngo5 ge3 jung5 hei3 tung4 min6 pei4 )

終於 zung1 jyu1 = finally

知錯 zi1 co3 = realizing mistake

勇氣 jung5 hei3 = courage

面皮 facial skin, used as a measure of one’s immunity to shame


Have gotten thicker (stronger) after making my mistake.

co3 gwo3 hau6 bin6 hau5 dak1 do1

厚 hau5 = thick

試問邊個 冇樣衰過

But I’d like to ask who hasn’t looked like a complete fool before?

si3 man6 bin1 go3 mou5 joeng6 seoi1 gwo3

試問 si3 man6 = I’d like to ask

樣衰 joeng6 seoi1 = like a fool


I’m not afraid of you laughing at me/ ridiculing me

ngo5 bat1 paa3 bat1 paa3 nei5 zaau1 siu3 ngo5 

嘲笑 zaau1 siu3 = ridiculing


(because) I’m So So So So So~phia

( jan1 wai4 )ngo5 hai6 sou1 sou1 sou1 sou1 sou1 sou1 sou1 sou1 sou1 sou1 fei1 aa3


Actually my favourite drink is not tapioca milk tea.

caa4 sat6 ngo5 zeoi3 zung1 ji3 jam2 ge3 m4 hai6 zan1 zyu1 laai5 caa4

查實 caa4 sat6 = actually (an alternative of 其實 kei4 sat6)


Before (the reason) my brain’s (gears) weren’t turning was only because of the poor air quality.

tau4 sin1 go3 lou5 zyun3 m4 dou2 jan1 wai4 hung1 hei3 caa1 zaa1 maa3

頭先 tau4 sin1 = just then; just before

腦 lou5 = the brain

轉 zyun3 = to turn, to spin (in this instance refers to the running of the brain turning like gears in a machine)

空氣差 hung1 hei3 caa1 = poor air quality


Bro, just give me whatever cup of a green tea with frothed milk on top you have and I’ll be OK.

go4 go1 lei5 si6 daan6 bei2 bui1 laai5 goi3 luk6 ngo5 zau6 ou1 kei1 gaa3 laa3

奶蓋綠 laai5 goi3 luk6 = a green tea with frothed milk on top


Please give me a cup of green tea with frothed milk on top

m4 goi1 jat1 bui1 laai5 goi3 luk6 caa4

唔該 m4 goi1 = Please; Thank you (used for services); excuse me

一杯 jat1 bui1 = Quantifer – one cup of

綠茶 luk6 caa4 = green tea


We have no milk, Miss.

mou5 laai5 aa3, siu2 ze2

cantonese songs boba tea by serrini
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