Mysterious Magical Medicine of Muddle-headedness by Terence Lam Ka Him 神奇的糊塗魔藥 – 林家謙

Cantonese Songs with Transcript – Mysterious Magical Medicine of Muddle-headedness by Terence Lam 神奇的糊塗魔藥 – 林家謙

Cantonese Songs with Transcript

Song Type 類型 : Mixed with written and spoken Cantonese 半粵語半書面語

Degree of Difficulty 難度 : ★★★★ (5★)

Pris’s Comment 諗咩:

Study Guide 學習指引

1st Line: Chinese Character 中文字

2nd Line: English meaning 英文意思翻譯

3rd Line: Jyutping 粵拼

4th Line: Word to word translation 逐字翻譯

In quotation: Vocabulary highlights 可以學嘅生字


san4 kei4 dik1 wu4 tou4 mo1 jeok6

Mysterious Magical Medicine of Muddle-headedness

曲:林家謙 / 詞:林家謙 / 編:林家謙 / 雷柏熹 / 監:林家謙

歌詞 go1 ci4 Lyrics

無視道與理 是與非非

Ignore the reason and logic and whether something is right or wrong

mou5 si6 dou6 jyu5 lei5 si6 jyu5 fei1 fei1

Ignore-sense and reason right or wrong

無視 mou5 si6 = to ignore

道理 dou6 lei5 = reasoning

是非 si6 fei1 = 1. right or wrong 2. gossip

繼續往天飛 再去遁地

Keep on flying through the sky and hiding underground

(Evokes imagery of a ninja masterfully moving through their surroundings, encouraging himself to keep on going for his dreams and achieve his desires.)

gai3 zuk6 wong5 tin1 fei1 zoi3 heoi3 deon6 dei6

carry on-fly up to the sky then running like a ninja

繼續 gai3 zuk6 = carry on;continue

飛天遁地 fei1 tin1 deon6 dei6 = flying in the sky and running like a ninja using magical skills

在煩亂之中找找氧氣 失意能否不提起

Amongst the chaos find some room to breath; is it possible not to mention the frustration/disappointment

(Don’t focus on the negatives)

zoi6 faan4 lyun6 zi1 zung1 zaau2 zaau2 joeng5 hei3  sat1 ji3 nang4 fau2 bat1 tai4 hei2

In a chao-finding oxygen frustration-can you not-mention

氧氣 joeng5 hei3 = oxygen

失意 sat1 ji3 = frustration

提起 tai4 hei2 = mention;to bring up a topic

糊塗地闖天地 不想要三幅被

finding one’s way through the world (starting one’s career) in a disorderly fashion; I don’t want to repeat the same thing over and over (a boring predictable life)

wu4 tou4 dei6 cong2 tin1 dei6 bat1 soeng2 jiu3 saam1 fuk1 pei5

in a muddled fashion-striving in the world don’t want mere repetition

糊塗 wu4 tou4 = be muddled; confused

闖天地 cong2 tin1 dei6 = venture out into the world, strive to get one’s start in world,

三幅被 saam1 fuk1 pei5 = old-fashioned ideas, mere repetition, saying the same thing over and over again

只想要隨便的 隨心的 結尾

I only want (to write) the ending at my own pace and following my own inclinations.

zi2 soeng2 jiu3 ceoi4 bin6 dik1 ceoi4 sam1 dik1 git3 mei5

only want-arbitrary go with your heart ending

隨便 ceoi4 bin6 = randomly; aribitary

隨心 ceoi4 sam1 = go with your heart

結尾 git3 mei5 = to finish/complete; an ending

忙著為明日打算 怎知道只得忙亂

Busily making plans for tomorrow; who knows why I’m only left rushed and in a muddle

mong4 zeok6 wai4 ming4 jat6 daa2 syun3 zam2 zi1 dou3 zi2 dak1 mong4 lyun6

busy with-for tomorrow-planning only find out-only have chaos

打算 daa2 syun3 = to plan

知道 zi1 dou6 = to understand

忙著看手錶 竟不知分秒停轉

Busily staring at my watch and surprisingly I’m not even aware that the minutes and seconds have stopped ticking.

mong4 zeok6 hon3 sau2 biu1 ging2 bat1 zi1 fan1 miu5 ting4 zyun3

busy with looking at the watch but somehow lost count of-minutes and second-stop turning

手錶 sau2 biu1 = a watch

分秒 fan1 miu5 = minutes and second

傻著笑提問「點算~」 或過錯不需要點算

With a silly smile, I ask “what should I do?” maybe these mistakes don’t need to be examined (aren’t worth the worry).

so4 zoek6 siu3 tai4 man6 「 dim2 syun3 ~」  waak6 gwo3 co3 bat1 seoi1 jiu3 dim2 syun3

silly laugh-to ask what should I do? probably-mistake-no need to-count

1st 點算 dim2 syun3 = what should I do?

過錯 gwo3 co3 = mistake

2nd 點算 dim2 syun3 = to count; tally and calculate

耗損的可能是分寸 去吧 毋用計長短

Perhaps what gets worn away is my sense of judgment/propriety. Forget it! Stop analyzing the pros and cons.

hou3 syun2 dik1 ho2 nang4 si6 fan1 cyun3 heoi3 baa1 mou4 jung6 gai3 coeng4 dyun2  

consume-maybe-rationality just go no need to- count your strength and weaknesses

耗損 hou3 syun2 = waste; consume; wear down

分寸 fan1 cyun3 = rationality

計長短 gai3 coeng4 dyun2 = to calculate/fuss over strengths and weaknesses;

副歌fu3 go1 = chorus

無視道與理 是與非非

Ignore the reason and logic and whether something is right or wrong

mou5 si6 dou6 jyu5 lei5 si6 jyu5 fei1 fei1

Ignore-sense and reason right or wrong

繼續往天飛 再去遁地

Keep on flying through the sky and hiding underground (Evokes imagery of a ninja masterfully moving through their surroundings, encouraging himself to keep on going for his dreams and achieve his desires.)

gai3 zuk6 wong5 tin1 fei1 zoi3 heoi3 deon6 dei6

carry on-fly up to the sky-then running like a ninja

在煩亂之中找到氧氣 擺~著烏龍燃起

Amongst the chaos find some room to breath; once you’ve made a blunder ignite your spirit up (strive to be better)

zoi6 faan4 lyun6 zi1 zung1 zaau2 dou2 joeng5 hei3 baai2 ~ zoek6 wu1 lung2 jin4 hei2

In a chao-finding oxygen to be in muddle mind-ignite

擺烏龍 baai2 wu1 lung2 = to make a mistake, mess of something

糊塗地闖天地 不想要三幅被

finding one’s way through the world (starting one’s career) in a disorderly fashion; I don’t want to repeat the same thing over and over (a boring predictable life)

wu4 tou4 dei6 cong2 tin1 dei6 bat1 soeng2 jiu3 saam1 fuk1 pei5

in a muddled fashion-striving in the world don’t want mere repetition

糊塗 wu4 tou4 = be muddled; confused

闖天地 cong2 tin1 dei6 = venture out into the world, strive to get one’s start in world,

三幅被 saam1 fuk1 pei5 = old-fashioned ideas, mere repetition, saying the same thing over and over again

只需要隨便的 隨心的 結尾

I only need (to write) the ending at my own pace and following my own inclinations.

zi2 soeng2 jiu3 ceoi4 bin6 dik1 ceoi4 sam1 dik1 git3 mei5

only need-casually according to heart- ending


忘掉有幾多虧欠 只想有些歡笑嘴臉

Forget how much I’m lacking; just think of a faint bright smile

mong4 diu6 jau5 gei2 do1 kwai1 him3 zi2 soeng2 jau5 se1 fun1 siu3 zeoi2 lim5

forget-how much-deficient only think of-happy face

虧欠 kwai1 him3 = have a deficit, be owing

歡笑嘴臉 fun1 siu3 zeoi2 lim5 = happy face


Fame and wealth don’t need to be painstaking calculated

ming4 wo4 lei6 dou1 bat1 seoi1 hak1 ji3 pun4 dim2

fame and wealth-also no need to-intentionally-painstaking calculated

名利 ming4 lei6 = vanity; fame and wealth

刻意 hak1 ji3 = intentionally; on purpose

盤點 pun4 dim2 = to calculate inventory

常爲無聊事打算 或會算出一片青天

Always working on the “small matters” might just bring about a clear blue sky (bright and pleasant future)

soeng4 wai4 mou4 liu4 si6 daa2 syun3 waak6 wui5 syun3 ceot1 jat1 pin3 cing1 tin1  

always-random thing-planning probably calculate-a blue sky

無聊事 mou4 liu4 si6 = small matters, senseless, meaningless matters

隨便 走得笨~拙一點

As I like, walk a little more clumsily.

ceoi4 bin6 zau2 dak1 ban6 ~ zyut6 jat1 dim2

casually-walk-clumsy-a little bit more

笨拙 ban6 zyut6 = clumsy

去吧 毋用計條件

(Just) forget it!Stop analysing the conditions/circumstances.

heoi3 baa1 mou4 jung6 gai3 tiu4 gin2

go! no need-to calculate conditions

計條件 gai3 tiu4 gin2 = calculate requirements/conditions

副歌 fu3 go1 = chorus

無視道與理 是與非非

Ignore the reason and logic and whether something is right or wrong

mou5 si6 dou6 jyu5 lei5 si6 jyu5 fei1 fei1

Ignore-sense and reason right and wrong

繼續往天飛 再去遁地

Keep on flying through the sky and hiding underground (Evokes imagery of a ninja masterfully moving through their surroundings, encouraging himself to keep on going for his dreams and achieve his desires.)

gai3 zuk6 wong5 tin1 fei1 zoi3 heoi3 deon6 dei6

carry on-go toward- sky-fly then – go – hide- ground

在煩亂之中找到氧氣 擺~著烏龍燃起

Amongst the chaos find some room to breathe; once you’ve made a blunder ignite your spirit up (strive to be better)

zoi6 faan4 lyun6 zi1 zung1 zaau2 dou2 joeng5 hei3 baai2 ~ zoek6 wu1 lung2 jin4 hei2

In chaos-finding oxygen to be in muddle mind-ignite

糊塗地闖天地 不想要三幅被

finding one’s way through the world (starting one’s career) in a disorderly fashion; I don’t want to repeat the same thing over and over (a boring predictable life)

wu4 tou4 dei6 cong2 tin1 dei6 bat1 soeng2 jiu3 saam1 fuk1 pei5

in a muddled fashion-striving in the world don’t want mere repetition

糊塗 wu4 tou4 = be muddled; confused

闖天地 cong2 tin1 dei6 = venture out into the world, strive to get one’s start in world,

三幅被 saam1 fuk1 pei5 = old-fashioned ideas, mere repetition, saying the same thing over and over again


(I) can also make chess moves while being lost (not knowing the way) (just because I don’t know the path doesn’t mean I’m incapable of moving forward)

dou1 ho2 ji5 mai4 zoek6 lou6 haang4 kei2 

can-lost direction-play chess

迷路 mai4 lou6 = to lost direction

行棋 haang4 kei2 = to play chess


副歌 fu3 go1 = chorus

無視道與理 是與非非

ignore the reason and logic and whether something is right or wrong

mou5 si6 dou6 jyu5 lei5 si6 jyu5 fei1 fei1

Ignore-sense and reason right and wrong

盼待往天飛 卻要撞地

hoping to fly high yet instead crash to the ground (go for your dreams and don’t be discouraged)

paan3 doi6 wong5 tin1 fei1 koek3 jiu3 zong6 dei6

hope- toward- sky – fly, but- need- collide- ground

撞地 zong6 dei6 = crash/collide to ground

在忙亂之中找到勇氣 一片塵埃中起飛

Amongst the chaos find the courage; In a haze of dust take off.

zoi6 mong4 lyun6 zi1 zung1 zaau2 dou2 jung5 hei3 jat1 pin3 can4 ngoi1 zung1 hei2 fei1

勇氣 jung5 hei3 = courage

塵埃 can4 ngoi1 = dust

起飛 hei2 fei1 = to take off

「糊塗地闖天地」 只不過三幅被

The saying of “finding one’s way through the world in a disorderly fashion” is no more than a cliché

「 wu4 tou4 dei6 cong2 tin1 dei6 」  zi2 bat1 gwo3 saam1 fuk1 pei5

disorderly-finding your way-is only-cliche

只需要隨心編 隨手寫 結尾

All you need to do is arrange (the future) to your own desire; write the ending at your own pace.

zi2 seoi1 jiu3 ceoi4 sam1 pin1 ceoi4 sau2 se2 git3 mei5

only need to write with you heart-write with your hand-ending

編 pin1 = to edit, compose, arrange

寫 se2 = to write

結尾 git3 mei5 = an ending

當一個幸福的 傻更更的你

Be a happy, simple, and silly you.

dong1 jat1 go3 hang6 fuk1 dik1 so4 gaang1 gaang1 dik1 nei5

to be-a happy-silly-you

幸福 hang3 fuk1 = wellbeing

傻更更 so4 gaang1 gaang1 = silly

Mysterious Magical Medicine of Muddle-headedness by Terence Lam Ka Him 神奇的糊塗魔藥 – 林家謙
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