Cantonese Songs with Transcript – Oh! Christmas! 噢!聖誕樹 by McDull
Cantonese Songs with Transcript 廣東歌逐字稿
Oh! Christmas Tree! is a soundtrack from the movie My Life as McDull (2001) 麥兜故事.
This cartoon pig – McDull was created by Hong Kong cartoonists Alice Mak 麥家碧 and Brian Tse 謝立文.
The song is sung by McDull and his kindergarten friends adapted from the German Christmas song “Oh Tannenbaum.”
Song Type 類型 : Spoken Cantonese 全粵語
Degree of Difficulty 難度 : ★ (5★)
Pris’s Comment 諗咩: McDull 故事嘅歌嘅歌詞都係好搞笑!好過癮! 其實算唔算係兒歌(?)
Study Guide 學習指引
1st Line: Chinese Character 中文字
2nd Line: English meaning 英文意思翻譯
3rd Line: Jyutping 粵拼
4th Line: Word by word translation 逐字翻釋
In quotation: Vocabulary highlights 可以學嘅生字
Oh! sing3 daan3 syu6
Oh! Christmas Tree!
作詞:謝立文 / 作曲:傳統民歌 / 編曲:何崇志
歌詞 go1 ci4 Lyrics
噢 聖誕節托它歸家Oh! Carry it home on Christmas day
ou3! sing3 daan3 zit3 tok3 taa1 gwai1 gaa1
Oh-Christmas day-carry-it-back-home
聖誕節 sing3 daan3 zit3
托 tok3 = to hold it by hand
My mum said it’s quite expensive!
ngo5 aa3 maa1 waa6 gei2 gwai3 gaa3!
幾貴 gei2 gwai3 = quite expensive
噢 聖誕節托它歸家
Oh! Carry it home on Christmas day
oh! sing3 daan3 zit3 tok3 taa1 gwai1 gaa1
Oh-Christmas day-carry-it-back-home
Put it in the living room to sparkle
fong3 hai2 teng1 dou6 sim2 sim2 haa5
put-at-living-there-sparkle-sparkle-a bit
廳 teng1 = the living room
閃閃吓 sim2 sim2 ha5 = to sparkle
The plastic smell of the Christmas tree is quite smelly.
sing3 daan6 syu1 di1 gaau1 hei3 gei2 cau3 gaa3!
Christmas tree-possessive particle-plastic-odour-quite-smelly
膠 gaau1 = plastic
臭 cau3 = smelly
My Dad likes it because it takes up a lot of space.
ngo5 aa3 baa4 taam1 keoi5 gau3 aa6 jaa6!
My-dad-wants-it-enough-takes up space
貪 taam1= to have a liking for, to want, covet; because
Notes: Here 貪 also functions as “because” explaining the reason why he likes the tree
夠 gau3 = enough
掗拃 ngaa6 zaa6 = bulky and take up space
噢 聖誕節托它歸家
Oh! Carry it home on Christmas day
ou3! sing3 daan3 zit3 tok3 taa1 gwai1 gaa1
Oh-Christmas day-carry-it-back-home
It looks so pretty placed in the living room.
fong3 hai2 teng1 dou6 gei2 leng3 gaa3
Put-at-living room-there-quite-nice
靚 leng3 = pretty
噢 聖誕節托它歸家
Oh! Carry it home on Christmas day
ou3! sing3 daan3 zit3 tok3 taa1 gwai1 gaa1
Oh-Christmas day-carry-it-back-home
Put it in the living room to sparkle
fong3 hai2 teng1 dou6 sim2 sim2 haa5
put-at-living-there-sparkle-sparkle-a bit
The plastic smell of the Christmas tree floats in the air.
sing3 daan3 syu6 gaau1 hei3 piu1 piu1 haa5
Christmas tree-plastic-odour-float-float-a bit
飄飄吓 piu1 piu1 haa5 = to float, to drift on the air
The styrofoam snow falls down quickly.
faat3 pou5 gaau1 syut3 faai3 lok6 haa6
發泡膠 faat3 pou5 gaau1 = Styrofoam
噢 聖誕節托它歸家
Oh! Carry it home on Christmas day
ou3! sing3 daan3 zit3 tok3 taa1 gwai1 gaa1
Oh-Christmas day-carry-it-back-home
It looks quite smart placed in the living room
fong3 hai2 teng1 dou6 gei2 sing2 gaa3
醒 sing2 = smart
佢哋都有YouTube Channal

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Don’t forget to check out other Cantonese songs
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Micheal L.
好搞笑。 我學咗幾個生字!多謝!
呢首歌我細個成日唱 XD